Thursday, February 06, 2025

Program List

Adult Workshop (Branch)

Jillair Robinson         [ e m a i l ]

Adult Workshop offers performance opportunities for adult students.  Students will have an opportunity to play for one another with or without music in a very inviting and non-critical atmosphere. Duets and Duos are encouraged along with holiday music.  A light tea reception will follow as well as a chance to meet one another and mingle.


Bach Festival (State / Branch)

Chizuko Asada          [ e m a i l ]

The Bach Festival is sponsored by the Southern California Junior Bach Festival, Inc. ( and is open to students of active, provisional or student members of MTAC. A student may not enter both the Bach Festival and the Baroque Festival (See Festivals).  More information and registration forms are available online or contact the Chairperson of Bach Festival.


Certificate of Merit (State)

The Certificate of Merit program (CM) is a graded student evaluation covering performance, technique, ear training, sight reading, and written theory.  Students receive the evaluator’s comments and a certificate.  There are awards and other performance opportunities for students who excel.  More information is available online at

CM Advanced Level Medallion (State)

A special award given for superior accomplishment at CM Advanced Level Path A.  The Advanced Medallion is for students of any age completing level 10. The award is given to encourage students at any age to strive for quality at the top level and to recognize accelerated students.

CODA (Branch)

Paula Sabin         [ e m a i l ]

MTAC-Irvine is proud to announce the formation of a new testing program for students to evaluate and give recognition to our students– the Certification of Distinguished Achievement or CODA. Our primary goal is to set a high standard for performance that will establish CODA as a valuable program that will encourage long-term commitment to piano studies. It will allow students to feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments and it will provide a means for parents to gauge their child’s progress. The aim is to make the experience wholly positive for the students.

The primary goal of CODA is to set a high standard for performance to
• Encourage long-term commitment to piano studies
• Allow students to feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments
• Give parents a means to gauge their child’s progress

Composers Today (State / Branch)

Satomi Otsubo    [ e m a i l ]

This is a state-wide program to encourage composition and improvisation.  Students submit their own compositions to professional evaluators and receive constructive comments and ratings.  Additional performance opportunities are awarded to outstanding student composers.

There are four annual projects in Composers Today. Each has a separate performance event.  They are Evaluations, State Contest, Young Composers Guild, and Senior Medallion.  Visit for more information.

Festivals (Branch)

Jennifer Fung (Romantic/Contemporary)   [ e m a i l ]

Xin Den (Classical/Baroque)   [ e m a i l ]

Irvine branch presents four festivals in per year: Romantic, Baroque,, Classical and Contemporary. Students are required to play a piece or pieces composed by the composers from the period.  Students will be adjudicated by three adjudicators.  The total of the three scores will determine 1st place (top 25%), 2nd place (25%) and 3rd place (25%) in different age categories.  Winners will be awarded. 

Junior Ensemble Music Festival (Branch)

Bettina Jiang  [ e m a i l ]

Junior Ensemble Music Festival is a non-competitive event and is open to any ensemble with two or more students. This may include instrumental duos, trios, quartets, quintets, etc. and solo instruments/voice with piano accompaniment. Piano duets/duos are also welcome to perform on this festival.

Junior Ensemble Music Festival is open to all students regardless of age and CM level.  Any style of music is acceptable and the music doesn’t have to be memorized.  The requirements are to play well and musically with another student or students; some examples are piano duets, strings, voice and etc.  If you have students who take lessons on a second instrument, you may encourage them to play and have another student accompany him/her.


Music Students' Service League Recitals, MSSL (Branch)

Dr. Ena Kim     [ e m a i l ]

MSSL presents student recitals in retirement homes.  This is done as a service. Students arrive early to socialize with the residents.  Afterwards, there is a reception.  Community Service Credit is awarded to performers, ushers, and assistants. 

Monster Concert (Branch)

Jenny Fu         [ e m a i l ]

This is a fun, non-competitive recital with no requirements.  Students in all ages are invited to participate in Halloween costume.  Participants receive a treat bag.  Registration fees contribute to fund branch events/needs.



Scholarship Competition (Branch)

Minako Horimura Han          [ e m a i l ]

To encourage and award Junior and high school musicians who consistently work hard and develop their musical abilities to the fullest. Each school grade will be categorized separately from 7th to 12th grades. The scholarship awards may be used for any need directly contributing to the winners’ musical education.


Senior Medallion (State)

To honor graduating high school seniors who have passed CM at least 3 out of 4 high school years, and completed CM Level 7 or above.

VOCE (State)


VOCE (Vocalists, Orchestral instrumentalists, Chamber music, Ensembles)

It was designed to present an opportunity to students featuring performances in solo and chamber ensembles. The project was called VOCE, which represented the following: Vocalists, Orchestral instrumentalists, Chamber music, Ensembles.

All Branches of MTAC may have a VOCE competition plus a non-competitive recital. Branch First Place Winners may advance to the State Finals competition. First Place Winners of the State Finals competition will be asked to perform on the VOCE Recital at the MTAC State Convention in July, where they will receive their cash awards. Award amounts are announced in the Guidelines which are available through the Branch President, Assistant State Chair or VOCE Chair.

Addition information about VOCE is available at

Copyright 2021 by MTAC Irvine Branch